Thunderbird office 365 configuration
Thunderbird office 365 configuration

thunderbird office 365 configuration thunderbird office 365 configuration

If you are a kindred spirit, perhaps this will be of help! She kindly agreed to write up her experiences. IMAP (that is, reading mail) still works, but SMTP (sending mail) does not.Ĭampus IT doesn’t support Thunderbird, but a friend of mine was able to get Thunderbird working. As a security nerd, I applaud this move! But it does mean that Thunderbird die-hards in units who use Microsoft Exchange 365 as their mail server, things don’t “Just Work” anymore. UMass recently upgraded many of its systems to use OAuth2 and two-factor authentication aka “modern authentication” (without allowing fallback to username/password only, aka “legacy authentication”).

thunderbird office 365 configuration

Update : I’m told that UMass changed its Azure authentication policy in late June, and Thunderbird now once again works out-of-the-box with UMass’s Office 365 mail service.

Thunderbird office 365 configuration